Verve in the News

The latest news, press releases and mentions of Verve Industrial Protection.

Rockwell Automation completes acquisition of cybersecurity software and services company Verve Industrial Protection

Rockwell Automation acquires Verve Industrial
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News September 10, 2021

Careers in Cyber Security: The World Needs More Defenders

Advanced technologies like AI and machine learning get a lot of attention, but it’s core skills in systems management that hold the key to protecting our systems

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News September 9, 2021

Overcome the obstacles of network security in the age of IT-OT convergence

In this installment of Automation Zone, think global but act local when it comes to OT security.

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News September 1, 2021

Four key steps to help your organization achieve IT-OT convergence

To bring IT security into the OT environment and achieve robust security management, here are four key steps to create IT-OT convergence.

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News August 30, 2021

Vulnerability Disclosure Programs Need to Get Organized

Most product vulnerabilities are now discovered not by the affected vendor, but by outside sources like third-party researchers, and they’re all over the map.

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News August 22, 2021

No magic bullet for supply chain attacks, yet

Supply chain attacks in industrial environments are on the rise giving hackers access to critical infrastructure and OT environments.

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News August 22, 2021

Managing the costs of OT cyber insurance

Industrial Cybersecurity Pulse – Cybersecurity insurance is an increasingly important weapon in the risk management arsenal of today’s enterprises.

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News August 18, 2021

The most vulnerable ICS assets: operations management

One-quarter (24%) of industrial control systems (ICS) vulnerabilities disclosed in H1 2021 were found in operations management (level three) of the Purdue Model

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News August 10, 2021

The CyberWire Daily Ep 1393: A threat to release stolen proprietary data.

RansomEXX threatens to release stolen proprietary data. Some looks at the C2C market, the criminal division of labor, and a splashy carder marketing ploy. Misconfigured Salesforce Communities expose organizational data. Our guest is Ron Brash from Verve Industrial on a CISA advisory regarding GE ICS equipment.

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News August 6, 2021

Key takeaways from 2020 ICS-CERT vulnerabilities

ICS-CERT advisories increased by ~30% over 2019, with CVE’s growing by almost 50%, and the average CVSS increasing to more than 8.0 out of 10

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News August 3, 2021

The CVSS and OT Systems: Expert Interview Series, Ron Brash, Verve Industrial Protection

The CVSS was designed for IT responders, and many in OT question its effectiveness in measuring ICS vulnerabilities, says Ron Brash of Verve.

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News July 29, 2021

Companies need to reassess their cyber-physical security risk

Chief financial officers (CFOs) and audit committees need to have a radical reimagining of what cyber-physical security risk means for their organizations.

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News July 28, 2021

TSA Pipeline cybersecurity directive announced

On May 27, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced its initial regulatory response to the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack.

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