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Integrating Lifecycle and Risk Management in OT Security

Upgrading OT Security in the IT-Integrated Era

As Operational Technology (OT) systems become increasingly intertwined with Information Technology (IT) networks and the broader digital landscape, their vulnerability to cyber threats escalates. This digital integration has morphed OT systems from isolated entities into potential entry points for sophisticated cyber-attacks, posing various risks to organizations and the public.

The conventional approach to OT security, marked by reactive measures and disjointed management practices, needs to catch up in this evolving threat landscape. Advanced cyber adversaries and intricate malware exploit gaps between lifecycle management—how systems are updated, maintained, and retired—and risk management, which involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating cyber threats.

To tackle these challenges effectively, organizations urgently need to revamp their approach to OT security. Integrating lifecycle management with risk management offers a comprehensive strategy that proactively addresses vulnerabilities and equips OT systems to anticipate future threats better. This integrated approach ensures security measures are responsive to immediate threats while remaining adaptable to evolving cyber risks, safeguarding critical infrastructure vital to modern industry and society.

In this post, we'll cover:

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How to Integrate Risk and Lifecycle Management in OT

Learn how Verve’s integrated solution, strengthened by Rockwell Automation’s expertise, ensures stronger OT security through consistent asset management.

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Understanding the Challenges of OT Security

Legacy Systems and Diverse Environments

OT environments pose unique challenges that complicate security management. Central to these challenges are legacy systems designed and deployed without much consideration for cybersecurity. These systems often cannot be easily updated or patched in line with modern cybersecurity practices, rendering them inherently vulnerable to newer cyber threats.

Adding to the complexity is the diversity of OT systems, encompassing a wide array of specialized equipment, protocols, and software, each with distinct operational requirements and security vulnerabilities. This diversity makes it challenging to apply uniform security measures and increases the complexity of managing and securing these systems against cyber threats.

The Resource Challenge

A significant barrier to enhancing OT security is the need for more resources in terms of skilled personnel and financial investment. OT cybersecurity demands a deep understanding of cybersecurity principles and operational technologies. Yet, there’s a notable shortage of professionals with this dual expertise, leaving many organizations struggling to protect their OT environments adequately.

Financial constraints further compound the issue. Effective cybersecurity measures require substantial investments in technology, training, and personnel—an arduous proposition for organizations facing budgetary constraints. This resource scarcity often compromises security measures, leaving systems vulnerable to exploitation.

Compliance and Operational Continuity

The regulatory landscape for OT security is evolving rapidly, with new standards and requirements emerging to counter the expanding cyber threat landscape. Organizations must navigate this intricate compliance environment to ensure their security measures align with industry-specific and regional regulations. Non-compliance can result in significant penalties, adding financial strain to an already resource-constrained domain.

Moreover, maintaining operational continuity presents its own set of challenges. Organizations must execute security implementations in OT environments with minimal disruption to ongoing operations. Even minor interruptions can have profound repercussions for industries reliant on continuous production processes or critical infrastructure services, including safety risks, production losses, and financial damage. Balancing stringent security measures with the imperative of uninterrupted operations underscores the need for tailored and strategic security approaches in OT environments.

These challenges underscore the complexity of securing OT environments against cyber threats. Addressing these issues requires a nuanced understanding of both the technological and organizational dimensions of OT security, emphasizing the necessity for an integrated approach that can navigate the intricacies of legacy systems, resource constraints, compliance requirements, and the imperative of operational continuity.

Graph illustrating the challenges across the OT (Operational Technology) security journey, divided into four phases: Assess, Remediate, Monitor & Maintain. Under 'Layered Defenses', it lists from bottom to top: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond & Recover. Challenges include creating asset visibility, conducting vulnerability assessments, prioritizing risks, patching systems, OEM approvals, firmware updates, network upgrades, labor shortages, updating vulnerability data, alert overload, and distributed environment costs. The x-axis represents time, the y-axis represents the defenses, and the logo indicates the image is from Verve, a Rockwell Automation Company.

The Need for Integration of OT Lifecycle and Risk Management

Understanding Lifecycle Management

In OT, lifecycle management involves overseeing an asset’s lifespan, from deployment to decommissioning. This process ensures assets remain operational, secure, and efficient, especially critical in OT environments controlling vital infrastructure.

OT lifecycle management includes regular updates and maintenance to fend off emerging threats. Unlike IT, OT updates must be cautious to avoid operational disruptions. Secure decommissioning is vital to prevent leaving vulnerabilities for malicious actors. Continuous updates and secure decommissioning emphasize the dynamic cybersecurity landscape’s importance in maintaining a current and secure OT environment.

The Role of Risk Management

Risk management in OT identifies, assesses, and prioritizes risks to mitigate cyber incidents that could disrupt operations or compromise safety. Tailored to OT’s unique characteristics, where breaches can have severe physical consequences, it focuses on understanding threats’ potential impacts and devising strategies to mitigate them.

Prioritizing risks is crucial due to limited security resources. By focusing on the most critical vulnerabilities and threats, organizations ensure efficient and effective protective measures, which are essential in OT, where system disruption directly impacts safety and production.

Discover a Smarter Way to Manage OT Risks

Verve’s Calculated Risk Rating overcomes the limitations of traditional risk assessments.​

The Tangible Benefits of Integration

Enhanced Vulnerability Management

Integrating lifecycle management with risk management significantly enhances vulnerability management within OT systems. This approach ensures that vulnerabilities are swiftly identified and assessed in relation to their potential impact on operational integrity and risk exposure. Continuous monitoring of system updates, threat intelligence, and a thorough understanding of each asset’s role further improve vulnerability management.

By aligning maintenance schedules and security updates with an informed assessment of risks, organizations can prioritize vulnerabilities based on their severity and the criticality of the affected assets. This targeted approach allows for the efficient allocation of resources to address the most pressing security concerns first, reducing the window of opportunity for attackers to exploit known vulnerabilities. The result is a more resilient OT environment where security measures are both proactive and strategically focused.

Asset Prioritization and Operational Efficiency

The integration of lifecycle and risk management is pivotal in asset prioritization and operational efficiency. By gaining a comprehensive view of each asset’s lifecycle status alongside its risk profile, organizations can make informed decisions about where to focus maintenance and security efforts. This enables a strategic approach to asset management, with resources allocated based on asset operational importance and susceptibility to risks.

This integration enhances operational efficiency by minimizing unnecessary interventions and focusing on preventive measures that align with the operational schedules of the assets. For example, maintenance needs and security updates can be addressed during scheduled downtime, reducing the impact on overall operations. This strategic alignment between asset management and security practices ensures that the most critical assets always operate at their optimal condition and security level, supporting the uninterrupted flow of operations.

Cost Efficiency and Compliance

Integrating lifecycle and risk management in OT security leads to significant cost efficiencies. Organizations can streamline managing activities, reducing overhead and ensuring resources are utilized effectively. This unified approach minimizes duplication of effort and helps meet stringent regulatory standards, avoiding fines and penalties while enhancing the organization’s reputation for maintaining high security and reliability standards.

In summary, integrating lifecycle and risk management within OT environments brings tangible benefits across multiple dimensions, from enhancing vulnerability management and operational efficiency to achieving cost savings and ensuring regulatory compliance. This integrated approach positions organizations to navigate modern cybersecurity complexities and safeguard critical operations against an evolving threat landscape.

Learn More About the Tangible Benefits of Verve's Solution

A Strategic Approach to Integration

Step 1: Comprehensive Asset Inventory

A comprehensive asset inventory is essential for integrating lifecycle and risk management into OT security. This foundational step goes beyond listing assets; it involves detailed cataloging of every component within the OT environment, including hardware, software, and network elements. This detailed inventory provides a complete picture of the operational landscape, which is crucial for identifying vulnerabilities and assessing overall security.

A comprehensive asset inventory serves as the foundation for subsequent security efforts, enabling organizations to understand what needs protection and the unique characteristics of each asset. This includes knowing the operational importance of each asset, its current lifecycle stage, existing vulnerabilities, and how it interacts with other components. With this knowledge, organizations can tailor security strategies effectively to their OT environment’s needs.

Watch On-Demand:
Why Asset Inventory is the Foundation of a Successful OT Security Program

Learn how to establish a robust cyber security program for industrial organizations, addressing targeted attacks, regulatory compliance, and OT-specific challenges by focusing on building a comprehensive asset inventory.

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Step 2: Prioritization and Remediation

After developing a comprehensive asset inventory, the next step involves prioritizing and remediating risks. This process starts with assessing vulnerabilities identified during the inventory phase, considering potential impact, likelihood of occurrence, and criticality to operations.

  • Risk Assessment: Use asset inventory data to assess each vulnerability’s risk level, considering the OT environment’s specific context.
  • Prioritization: Based on the risk assessment, prioritize vulnerabilities that pose the greatest threat to operational continuity and safety. This focus ensures resources are directed where they are most needed.
  • Development of Remediation Plan: Create a detailed plan outlining steps to address each prioritized vulnerability, considering operational impact and aiming to minimize downtime.
  • Execution of Remediation: Implement the plan, applying necessary patches, updates, and configuration changes to mitigate risks. Ensure actions are coordinated to avoid disrupting critical operations.

Step 3: Continuous Improvement and Monitoring

Continuous improvement and monitoring are crucial for adapting OT security efforts to evolving threats and operational requirements.

  • Ongoing Maintenance: Regularly update and maintain OT systems to secure them against new vulnerabilities. This includes scheduled reviews of the asset inventory to accommodate changes.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Implement advanced real-time monitoring solutions to detect unusual activities or potential breaches, allowing immediate threat identification and mitigation.
  • Feedback Loop: Establish a feedback loop where insights from monitoring and incident responses inform future security strategies. This learning process is vital for refining security measures and adapting to the evolving threat landscape.

By following this strategic approach, organizations can ensure their integration of lifecycle and risk management into OT security is comprehensive and adaptable, capable of responding to new challenges and safeguarding critical infrastructure against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats.

Leveraging Technology and Partner Collaboration

The Role of Technology in OT Security

Integrating lifecycle and risk management into OT security is significantly enhanced by leveraging specific technologies designed to support these efforts. These technologies streamline processes and provide advanced monitoring, analysis, and protection capabilities.

The Value of Strategic Partnerships

Strategic partnerships with vendors and security experts augment OT security efforts, bringing specialized knowledge, advanced technologies, and additional resources.

  • Access to Specialized Expertise: Partnerships with OT security specialists provide deep domain knowledge and experience in protecting industrial control systems against sophisticated threats, which is essential for developing effective security strategies.
  • Customized Security Solutions: Collaborating with vendors allows organizations to benefit from tailored security solutions, addressing specific OT environment needs and challenges more effectively.
  • Shared Threat Intelligence: Collaboration enables sharing and receiving threat intelligence, enhancing proactive risk management and overall security posture by understanding emerging cyber threats better.
  • Enhanced Incident Response Capabilities: Partnerships provide rapid access to incident response teams and resources, minimizing attack impact and ensuring efficient response when incidents occur.

Embracing technology and strategic partnerships are essential for a comprehensive approach to OT security. By leveraging these elements, organizations significantly enhance their ability to integrate lifecycle and risk management practices, ensuring the resilience and security of critical operational technologies.

Infographic titled 'Strategic Partnerships are Key to Robust OT Security' showing Verve's platform in the center with its integrated partner technologies around it. Central graphic is an icon of 'Asset Inventory' surrounded by related operational functions like Incident Response, Vulnerability Management, Patch Management, and Configuration Management. Around this core are interlocking gears with the logos of strategic partners like Dragos, Claroty, ServiceNow, Veeam, Acronis, Cisco, Fortinet, FactoryTalk AssetCentre, and CrowdStrike, each gear labeled with functions like IR Insights & Services, Threat Detection Tools, CMDB, Backup & Restore, Firewalls/Enterprise IPS, OEM EOL, Patch, config info, and Enterprise Anti-virus or EDR. The bottom of the image features the Verve logo with a tagline identifying them as a Rockwell Automation Company.

Actionable Recommendations

Organizations should take a proactive and comprehensive approach to integrate lifecycle and risk management into OT security strategies effectively. The following actionable recommendations are designed to guide organizations in enhancing their OT security posture:

  • Establish a Comprehensive Asset Inventory: Catalog all OT assets, including hardware, software, and network infrastructure, using automated tools for accuracy and completeness.
  • Conduct Regular Risk Assessments: Implement a schedule for continuous risk assessment, focusing on identifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities and threats, and streamline this process with vulnerability assessment tools.
  • Develop a Prioritized Remediation Plan: Create a remediation plan based on the risk assessment, prioritizing actions according to vulnerabilities’ severity and impact on operations while aligning with operational requirements to minimize downtime.
  • Implement Continuous Monitoring and Improvement: Deploy SIEM systems and network monitoring tools to detect potential security incidents in real-time, establishing a feedback loop for refining and improving security measures based on monitoring insights.
  • Leverage Technology Solutions: Invest in specialized technologies supporting the integration of lifecycle and risk management, such as asset management solutions, patch management systems, and network segmentation technologies.
  • Engage in Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with vendors and security experts to access specialized expertise, customized security solutions, and shared threat intelligence, enhancing your organization’s security capabilities and response strategies.
  • Ensure Compliance and Governance: Regularly review and update security practices to comply with industry regulations and standards, establishing clear governance frameworks to oversee security efforts and ensure accountability.
  • Educate and Train Personnel: Provide ongoing training for staff on the latest cybersecurity threats and best practices, building a culture of security awareness crucial for effectively implementing security strategies.

By following these recommendations, organizations can build a robust OT security framework adaptable to future challenges. Integrating lifecycle and risk management is a continuous process requiring dedication, resources, and strategic planning. Embracing this approach will better protect critical operational technologies against evolving digital threats.