Creating a Programmatic Approach to OT Security
Learn what organizations around the world are doing to reduce OT risk — using methods that are scalable, accurate, and automated.
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As seen at the 2022 ARC Industry Forum, these sessions include case study presentation by industry, infrastructure, and smart city end users regarding their cybersecurity programs and initiatives. Topics will cover a variety of people, process, and technology strategies that companies are using to overcome cybersecurity hurdles. Presentations will be followed by a panel discussion where end users and their suppliers respond to questions/comments by the attendees. Attendees of this session will gain insight into what organizations are/are not doing and how their own efforts compare with industry peers. This information will be of benefit to owner-operators, suppliers, and researchers involved with industry, infrastructure, or smart cities cybersecurity.
Learn what organizations around the world are doing to reduce OT risk — using methods that are scalable, accurate, and automated.
Learn MoreThis session covers how to overcome challenges in industrial cyber security such as gathering a full risk view of assets and how to create a roadmap for vulnerabilities. As seen at CS4CA’s APAC event, CEO John Livingston covers how to overcome challenges in industrial cyber security such as how to: Gather a full risk view of all assets and how…
Learn MoreThere is no shortage of security solutions that aim to protect the perimeter, the network and to provide alerting and monitoring. What is sorely missing, however, is significant risk reduction on the endpoints themselves. This has traditionally been due to ‘poorly fitting’ security tools, gaps in traditional IT security tools, and the inability to scale what is usually a manual…
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